>> sin(30) % sine of argument in radians
ans =
>> sin(pi/6)
ans =
Sine of argument in degrees
>> sind(30) % sine of argument in degrees
ans =
Inverse Sine
>> %Inverse Sine (to get answer in radians)
>> asin(0.5)
ans =
0.5236 %Answer in Radians
>> % To convert the previous answer from radians to degrees
>> rad2deg(ans)
ans =
>> %Inverse Sine (to get answer in degrees)
>> asind(0.5)
ans =
Sine Hyperbolic and Inverse Hyperbolic Functions
>> % Sine Hyperbolic Function (argument in radians)
>> sinh(pi/6)
ans =
>> % Sine Inverse Hyperbolic Function (argument in radians)
>> asinh(ans)
ans =
Cosine and Tangent Functions
>> cos(pi/6)
ans =
>> tan(pi/6)
ans =
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