Graduate Studies at IIT Bombay – IITB PG Admissions 2019

Admissions to MTech, MTech-PhD (Dual Degree), MSc-PhD (Dual Degree) and other Post Graduate Courses

Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IIT Bombay – IITB) invites applications for admissions to various post graduate studies. Registration for IITB PG admissions 2019, is in progress for the academic year starting July, 2019.

The candidates, who wish to pursue the following graduate studies can apply for the same, provided they fulfil the institute’s eligiblity criteria:

  • MTech Programmes in all departments, centers, schools, inter-disciplinary groups, and cross-departmental programmes
  • MTech + PhD (Dual Degree) in certain disciplines / specializations
  • MPhil (Planning and Development)
  • MSc – PhD (Dual Degree) in Energy
  • Master in Public Policy (MPP)
  • Master in Urban Design and Engineering (MUDE)

Last Dates for Submission of Application

Candidates can apply for admissions to the following courses online on or before the following dates:

  • MTech and MTech + PhD (Dual Degree): April-16-2019
  • MSc + PhD (Dual Degree) in Energy: April-15-2019
  • MPhil: May-06-2019

Candidates can apply for admissions to the following courses offline on or before the following dates:

  • Master in Public Policy (MPP): May-17-2019
  • Master in Urban Design and Engineering (MUDE): April-30-2019

For more details on eligibility criteria, financial assistance, etc, refer to the official site of IIT Bombay:

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