Sashakt Scholarship 2019 for Women in Pure/Natural Science Courses at UnderGraduate Level
Dr. Reddy’s foundation has announced Sashakt Scholarship-2019 for women joining BSc degree courses. Sashakt Scholarship supports all three years of study. The women students who get selected for this scholarship will get Rs. 2,40,000, totally .
Only students who opt for pure / natural science courses at undergraduate level, will get this financial assistance. Moreover, their family income should be less than Rs. 5,00,000 per Annum.
The objective of this scholarship is to support academically bright students that are economically challenged. Also, it aims at encouraging students pursuing science studies, and contributing more women scientists to India and the world. It gives preference to students with rural backgrounds, economically weak backgrounds and passion in scientific research. Also, the selected students will get mentorship from lead women scientists from premier educational / research institutions in India.
The selected students will get Rs. 80,000 per annum. This scholarship covers the tuition fees, study expenses and basic living costs. Sashakt Scholarship is provided to the women admitted to one of the following colleges in Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, and Mumbai:
- Christ University, Bangalore
- Mount Carmel College, Bangalore
- St Joseph’s College, Bangalore
- The Oxford College of Science, Bangalore
- Madras Christian College, Chennai
- Stella Maris College, Chennai
- Women’s Christian College, Chennai
- Miranda House, Delhi
- Hindu College, Delhi
- St. Stephen’s College, Delhi
- Kirori Mal College, Delhi
- Hansraj College, Delhi
- ARSD College, Delhi
- Gargi College, Delhi
- St. Francis Degree College for Women, Hyderabad
- St. Ann’s College for Women, Hyderabad
- Kolkata Vivekananda College, Madhyamgram, Kolkata
- Mithibai College, Mumbai
- St Xavier’s College, Mumbai
- Sophia College for Women, Mumbai
The eligible students who are willing to avail Sashakt Scholarship should apply online and submit the admission offer from one of the above colleges. The Last Date for applying for this scholarship online is: 31-Jul-2019.
For more details about the scholarship, refer to the official website of Dr. Reddy’s Foudation:
If you are admitted to the first year of BSc Degree Course (Pure/Natural Sciences) in any of the the applicable colleges, after completing your 12th grade (10+2 / HSC-II Year / PUC-II Year), then you will be eligible to apply for this scholarship.